Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Transgender Awareness Week at the Horror Writers Association

 Two days ago, the Horror Writers Association posted a blogpost written by me to kick off their Transgender Awareness Week series of posts!

It's about the horror we face in and from the world, and how the horror we read/write saves us from it.  You should read it!

Friday, November 11, 2022

I return to Broken Nights tomorrow!


TOMORROW at noon PST is my triumphant return to Broken Nights, the City of Mist #CityofMist actual-play stream on TTRP Theater! I am humbled to be on such a glory of channel 

Tune in to enjoy me playing my activist witch empowered by Ursula from The Little Mermaid (who is the best Disney princess; there will be no counterargument) at https://twitch.tv/ttrp_theater