
 CG uisha (“sharer”) maraquoi icon empath mystic (Starfinder data jockey) 1

     Concept:  Noir journalist with lots of contacts and too many other people’s secrets
    Description:  Neliblai has the prehensile simian tail and bulging light black eyes typical of maraquoi.  Uir features have a noble cast to them – high cheekbones, long downward aquiline nose, full and expressive lips, that kind of thing – the kind of nobility that can edge into a casual, dripping cruelty, but never quite does.  Perhaps it’s that uir limbs are just a little shorter than one would expect, resulting in a torso-heavy body that puts most beings unconsciously in mind of an infant, or Neliblai’s posture, slumped from years of computer usage and moral defeat, that prevents uir face from crossing the line, or uir infectious brand of enthusiastic cynicism.
    Like most maraquoi, Neliblai stands slightly taller than the average human but of about the same build as a human of uir size, and uir body is covered with silky duck blue (#007791) fur that acts like thousands of tiny antennae, transmitting sound to uir sensitive skin.  Neliblai’s arms, however, find this sensory function blocked by the full-length Kallistradite white gloves that run from uir fingertips to uir armpits in the traditional fashion for followers of that religion.  Less traditional are the symbols adorning either side of the glove’s palms: the Shadari glyph known as the Eye of Enlightenment at the center of the Prophecies of Kallistrade’s triangle and circle design, the outer circle of which has been replaced by the circling flame that is the symbol of Sangpotshi.  Dangling a good two inches or so from Neliblai’s wrists are three charms on a delicate chain.  Uir left wrist carries Lao Shu Po’s curled and emaciated rat, Arshea’s brightly besashed figure, and the three daggers of Calistria, while the ancient kasathan sigil of community that is Talavet’s mark, Nyarlathotep’s inverted black ankh, and an eponymous black butterfly inscribed with a star dangle from uir right wrist.
    Neliblai wears a long trenchcoat duster in tan over the draping traditional maraquoi crimson (#DC143C) cloth of a respected lorekeeper and storyteller, and a worn, battled, some might even say bedraggled backpack in safety yellow (#EED202).  Uir backpack always retains a bright fluorescence, being made of self-cleaning cloth, and is brightly emblazoned with markers and symbols of Neliblai being press, all in red-violet (#C71585).  A belt of Maratan cattle-lizard-skin gives the cloth some shape around uir body, and another band of the same material holds a modest headdress of iridescent Charleston green (#232B2B; looks black unless the light hits it just right, and then it shines a dark forest green) to uir head.  Uir zyzy made both from animals zy had hunted.  The belt supports two holsters.  On Neliblai’s left hip flaps a handaxe bearing the logo of a traditional maraquoi artist clan that has turned corporate in this new age of maraquoi history, and on the right hangs a pulsecaster of dull ash gray metal (#B2BEB5) containing coils of a glowing fluorescent blue (#15F4EE).
    Religion:  Disaffected by all the corruption they have uncovered, ui have cobbled together several religions into an idiosyncratic whole.  Ui must be onto something, as the combination fuels uir mystic powers.  Several of uir parents had been followers of a missionary of the Prophecies of Kallistrade (LN), and so their religious understanding started and built from there.  To that foundation, ui added a syncretism of Sangpotshi (LN) and the Shadari pseudoreligion of Ataxxea (NE), developing an idea of reincarnation affected by entropy.  Though one’s deeds in this life and all previous determine one’s position in this life and all following, there is a downward force pulling all lives down; if one were to live a life that exerted no force upon one’s next incarnation, that incarnation would be slightly less than one’s current life.  Only by meditating in order to unite all parts of oneself and to ensure that one never forgets the lessons one has learned, and following a version of the strict asceticisms of the Prophecies of Kallistrade (notably, however, Neliblai’s system is remarkably more sexually permissive) can one fight off that downward pull.  But there are those who would try to cheat this system, and acquire more wealth than is their due.  There is no eventual spiritual release from this cycle of reincarnation, as asserted by orthodox Sangpotshi; the Boneyard is but a waiting room and lives in other planes are still lives.  Merit, karma, and wealth are only things to enjoy here and now, until entropy finally overcomes all and we achieve a release into nothingness.  
    Within Neliblai’s personal spirituality, this tripartite philosophy is named the Zysha (“Facilitator”), while six divine figures hold the other six reproductive roles of the maraquoi:  Arshea (NG) is the Susha (“Water Sire”), Calistria (CN) is the Qsha (“Air Sire”), Lao Shu Po (NE) is the Ilsha (“Earth Sire”), Talavet (LN) is the Uisha (“Sharer”), Nyarlathotep (CE) is the Klsha (“Bearer”), and Black Butterfly (CG) is the Mesha (“Cradle”).  Neliblai refers to uimself (and presumably anyone else who would adopt their understanding) as the child of these seven (or, jokingly, when drunk, as the Scion of the Other Seven).  Rituals follow traditional maraquoi practices with a heavy dose of Kalistradite elements and sprinklings of Sangpotshi meditation, kasatha practices intended to improve one’s memory, sexual ritual either alone or with someone(s), some self-injuring or bloodletting, and the reading of a variety of sacred texts.
    This religious understanding acts like a neutral religion for the purposes of game rules (good thing Neliblai didn’t take the priest theme or divine blessing feat!)
    Home World:  Marata, one of Bretheda’s moons

Ability Scores
    Medium humanoid (maraquoi)
    Strength 5 (-3)*
    Dexterity 7 (-2)*
    Constitution 12 (+1)
    Intelligence 11 (0)
    Wisdom 17 (+3)
    Charisma 18 (+4)
    Total Ability Modifier:  +3
*  -5 on all Str- and Dex-based checks due to encumbrance 

    Speed:  30 ft., climb 20 ft. (20 ft., climb 10 ft. due to encumbrance)
    Initiative:  -7
    Kinetic Armor Class:  10
    Energy Armor Class:  9
    Armor Class Against Combat Maneuvers:  17
    Hit Points:  4/11
    Stamina Points:  7/7
    Resolve Points:  3/4
    Base Attack Bonus:  0
    Melee Attack Bonus:  -8
    Operative Melee Attack Bonus:  -7
    Thrown Attack Bonus:  -8
    Ranged Attack Bonus:  -7
    Fortitude Save:  +1
    Reflex Save:  -2
    Will Save:  +5
    Current Bulk: 4.1
    Encumbered Bulk:  3 (backpack)
    Overburdened Bulk:  6 (backpack)
    Languages:  Common, Maraquoi
    Skills:  Acrobatics -7 (0 ranks - 2 Dex - 5 encumbrance), Athletics -8 (0 ranks - 3 Str - 5 encumbrance), Bluff +4* (0 ranks + 4 Cha), Computers +4 (1 rank + 0 Int + 3 insight/feat), Culture +5 (1 rank + 3 class + 0 Int + 1 theme), Diplomacy +4* (0 ranks + 4 Cha), Disguise +4 (0 ranks + 4 Cha), Intimidate +8* (1 rank + 3 class + 4 Cha), Mysticism +7 (1 rank + 3 class + 3 Wis), Perception +5 (0 ranks + 4 Wis + 1 insight/connection), Piloting -7 (0 ranks - 2 Dex - 5 encumbrance), Profession (investigative journalist) +13 (1 rank + 3 class + 4 Cha + 1 theme + 4 kit), Sense Motive +8* (1 rank + 3 class + 3 Wis + 1 insight/connection), Stealth -7 (0 ranks - 2 Dex - 5 encumbrance), Survival +5 (0 ranks + 3 Wis + 2 racial)
*  +2 when empathy is successfully activated 
    Feats:  Basic Melee Weapons ProficiencyB, Light Armor ProficiencyB, Skill Focus (Computers), Small Arms ProficiencyB 

Special Abilities
    Racial Abilities:  Blindsense (sound) 30 feet, low-light vision, +2 racial bonus to Survival checks, prehensile tail (a maraquoi’s tail is as effective as a hand at manipulating objects, which allows them to wield and hold up to three hands’ worth of weapons and equipment. This does not increase the number of attacks they can make during combat)
    Theme Abilities:  -5 DC when attempting a Profession or Culture check to recall knowledge about other journalistic icons or details about the cultural aspects of journalism, +1 theme bonus to Culture and Profession (investigative journalism) rolls
    Class Features:  Empathy (su, full action; Sense Motive to read the emotions of a particular creature, DC = 20 or 10 + its Bluff modifier, whichever is higher; with success, learn general disposition/attitude toward creatures within 30 feet and gain +2 circumstance bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks against that creature for 1 hour; whether you succeed or fail, take –2 penalty to saves vs. mind-affecting effects for 1 minute)
    Spells:  Save DC 13+spell level
        0th level:  At will
            grave words 
        1st level:  3/day
            wisp ally
            (connection spell) detect thoughts

Stuff and Things
    Second skin (level 1, +1 EAC, +2 KAC, +5 Maximum Dex Bonus, — Armor Check Penalty, — Speed Adjustment, 1 Upgrade Slot, L Bulk)
    Subzero hail pistol with one battery (level 1, 1d4 C&P damage, 20 ft. Range, Bleed 1d4 Critical, 20 charges Capacity, 1 Usage, L Bulk)
    Azimuth laser pistol (level 1, 1d4 F damage, 80 ft. Range, Burn 1d4 Critical, 20 charges Capacity, 1 Usage, L Bulk)
    Basic handaxe (level 1, 1d4 S damage, — Critical, L Bulk, analog, thrown (20 ft.))
    Pack of cheap cigarettes (L Bulk)
    Consumer backpack (worn at all times) (1 Bulk)
    Holy text (L Bulk)
    Hygiene kit (1 Bulk)
    Lighter (-- Bulk)
    Professional outfit (L Bulk)
    Personal communit (1 hand, L Bulk, 80 Capacity, 1/hour Usage)
    Professional’s tool kit (investigative journalism) (L Bulk)
    Religious symbol (L Bulk)
    Tier 1 computer (alarm, artificial personality upgrade, average secure data module with firewall (investigative reporting), fake shell, hardened, security upgrade II; DC to Hack 19) (1 Bulk)
    Video camera (1 hand, L Bulk, 20 Capacity, 2/hour Usage)
    182 credits

Wishlist (in order of desire)
    Starfinder backpack (750 credits)
    Smoke grenades (40 credits each)
    Glamered fusion seal (132 credits) 
    Anchoring fusion seal (132 credits)
    Tier-2 computer with miniaturization 1 (275 credits)
    Arabani Arms, Ltd. Karkanen line of ranged weapons (120% of cost; 132 to upgrade hail pistol or 385 for laser)
    Lethal Innovations living weaponry (120% of cost)
    Broad-spectrum scanning kit (200 credits)
    Mental interpretation kit (200 credits) 
    Aura-translation kit (200 credits) 
    Thieves' tools (200 credits) 
    Holographic sashimono (300 credits)
    Shotgun microphone (625 credits) 
    Subduers (790, 13,200, 50,500, or 169,000 credits)
    Inspiring fusion seal (396 credits)
    Anarchic fusion seal (396 credits)
    Enhanced camera (1375 credits)
    Tier-3 computer with miniaturization 2 (1500 credits) 
    Holy water grenades (375, 940, 7680, or 175,000 credits) 
    Dispelling fusion seal (484 credits)
    Defending fusion seal (484 credits) 
    Seeking fusion seal (484 credits)
    Emotion regulator (800 or 37,000 credits)
    Glamer projector armor upgrade (1350 credits) 
    Clearweave (1350 or 13,150 credits)
    White-noise generator (1350 credits) 
    Scopes (1350, 2350, 4300, 5300, 12,500, or 37,500 credits)
    Force field armor upgrades (1600, 4550, 10,500, 20,000, 40,000, 80,000, 180,000, 280,000, 400,000, or 1,000,000 credits) 
    Djezet EVERYTHING (2000 credits) 
    Improved handaxes (1825, 12,500, 66,800, or 502,000 credits)
    Vanishing fusion seal (748 credits) 
    Shield projectors (2180, 13,800, 75,200, or 594,000 credits)
    Proximity helmet (2050 credits) 
    Load lifter (2550 credits) 
    Stationwear from business (2600 or 4100 credits) 
    Adamantine armor (2500 credits)
    Whisper comm (3000 credits) 
    Anchor pistols (2100, 13,200, 108,000, or 814,000 credits)
    True-frame camera (12,250 credits) 
    AbadarCorp travel suits (7250, 12,100, or 34,600 credits)
    Phrenic scramblers (3000, 13,000, or 49,000 credits) 
    Retractable spikes (3150, 18,400, 119,000, or 895,000 credits)  
    Accurate fusion seal (792 credits) 
    Devastating fusion seal (792 credits)
    Obscuring fusion seal (792 credits) 
    Ghost killer fusion seal (792 credits)
    Tier-4 computer with miniaturization 3 (6500 credits) 
    Resonant pistols (6100 or 358,000 credits) 
    Improved hail pistols (8600, 63,200, or 218,000 credits)
    Ensnaring fusion seal (1144 credits)
    Malediction fusion seal (2860 credits)
    Tracking fusion seal (3938 credits)
    Envoy's mouthpiece for a variety of languages (9000 credits)
    Tier-5 computer with miniaturization 4 (14,000 credits)
    Bypass subroutine (23,000 credits) 
    Autocartographer (13,500 credits) 
    Medical interface armor upgrade (14,000, 104,000, or 600,000 credits) 
    Invisibility detector armor upgrade (17,000 credits) 
    Holodouble module armor upgrade (18,000 credits)
    Tier-6 computer with miniaturization 5 (30,000 credits) 
    Hovering mimic imager (24,500 credits)
    Tier-7 computer with miniaturization 6 (64,000 credits)
    Tier-8 computer with miniaturization 7 (136,000 credits)
    Displacement field armor upgrade (120,000 credits)
    Tier-9 computer with miniaturization 8 (288,000 credits) 
    Personal phase shifter (380,000 credits)
    Tier-10 computer with miniaturization 9 (608,000 credits)
Augmentation desires by system rather than by desire
    Right arm:  psychokinetic sleeve (75,000 credits for both)
    Left arm
    Brain:  adaptive biochain accelerated datajack (9377.5 credits), but will work through standard & high-density (687.5 and 2860 credits)
    Ears:  intercepting ears mk 2 (13,600 credits) but will work up through mk 1 (1225 credits)
    Eyes:  arcane lenses (25,900 credits)
    Right foot:  swimming fins (850 credits for both)
    Left foot:  swimming fins (850 credits for both)
    Right hand:  psychokinetic sleeve (75,000 credits for both)
    Left hand:  dispelling hand (14,300 credits)
    Heart:  regenerative blood mk 5 (605,000 credits), but will work up through previous levels (3250, 10,100, 38,500, and 122,000 credits)
    Right leg:  dimensional braces (38,000 credits for both)
    Left leg:  dimensional braces (38,000 credits for both)
    Lungs:  adaptive biochain respiration compounder (275 credits)
    Spinal column:  adaptive biochain reinforced spinal struts (19,404 credits) but will work up through minimal and standard (1386 and 4433 credits)
    Skin:  greater cloaking skin (270,000 credits)
    Throat:  quadfrequency enchanting vocal modulator (225,000 credits), but will work up through monofrequency and duofrequency (25,400 and 66,500 credits)
    Endocrine:  restless pineal gland (5500 credits) 
    Tail?:  force matrix?
    Personal Upgrade Mk 1:  Intelligence (1400 credits)
    Personal Upgrade Mk 2:  Wisdom (6500 credits)
    Personal Upgrade Mk 3: Charisma (75,000 credits)
These sound lovely, but Neliblai lacks the appropriate proficiencies 
    Spark knives (390, 3070, 18,200, or 112,000 credits; advanced melee)
    Shout projectors (420, 4750, 22,800, 304,000, or 918,000 credits; heavy weapons)
    Shout rifle (450 credits; longarms)
    Pulse gauntlet (475, 7340, 31,300, or 148,200 credits; advanced melee) 
    Arc emitter (750 or 13,200 credits; longarms) 
    Shirren-eye rifle (755, 9350, 54,000, 147,200, or 740,800 credits; sniper)
    Shock pads (1100, 4900, 37,500, or 268,000 credits; advanced melee) 
    Breaching guns (2350, 6800, 25,300, 119,000, or 509,000 credits; longarms)
    Resonant gauntlets (3230, 19,900, 124,000, or 901,000 credits

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