Yasath Lasl bes Zettai Mokjirok bes Uten Tenj bes Ankhisset Vej no-Dulanei

 Race:  Half-hill dwarf bastet

Class:  Dashing duelist lucky star 1 / Lust cleric 1

Background:  Whore

Sexual Orientation:  Submissive/masochist pansexual non-monogamous (in that order)

Sex Assigned at Birth:  Female

Gender:  Soft butch genderqueer

Pronouns:  Per/per/per/pers/perself

Strength  8

Dexterity  14

Constitution  12

Intelligence  10

Wisdom  13

Charisma  14

Appearance  17

Sensitivity:  13

Armor Class:  17

Hit Dice:  2d8+4

Hit Points:  17

Proficiency Bonus:  +2

Proficiencies:  Acrobatics +4, bondage kit +2, Charisma saving throws +4, Dharian language, Dwarfish language, Insight +3, Intelligence saving throws +2, light armor, martial melee weapons, medium armor, Persuasion +4, Religion +2, Sex +4, shields, simple weapons, spanking kit +2, Trade language

Attractions & Repellents:  control +3, elegance +2, everyone +5, imperceptiveness -2, lack of insight -2

Fetishes:  masochism (attractive)

Sex Moves:  basic orgasm move, basic sex move, spanking kit use, submission

Darkvision.  Cats are night hunters, so you can see in the dark for 60 ft.

Balance Tail.  You gain advantage on any acrobatics checks involving balance.

Dwarfin Resilience.  You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.

Lucky.  At 1st level, you may reroll any 1, but you must use the new roll.  Your patron has blessed you, but even they have their limits.

Too Pretty to Hit.  You are so gorgeous that, even when fully clothed and in armor, you get your full appearance bonus to your armor class.  If you are wearing revealing clothing or armor, you gain 1.5 times your appearance bonus.  Thus, a lucky star with an 18 in appearance in revealing studded leather armor would have an AC of 16 before adding their dexterity.  Remember, revealing armor gives 1 less protection.

Fighting Style:  Dueling -- When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.

Dwarfin Toughness.  Your hit point maximum increases by 1 every time you gain a level.

Know the Fetish.  You are skilled at getting people to confess their darkest desires. In a short conversation, you can get someone you are already going to have sex with to tell you their fetish, or fetishes, even if they’ve never told anyone before, or are in denial about it.  

Size:  Bastet size is the same as their male parent, but is usually in the shorter range of the species.  The Zettai Mokujirok is 3’11” tall and 130 pounds.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 ft.


Cleric (Wis):  curtain of privacy, guidance, resistance

Lucky Lover (App):  detect attraction or repellents, friends, true strike

Equipment:  rapier, handaxe, revealing studded leather armor, diplomat’s kit, revealing clothing, bondage kit, brooch forgotten by a client, 50 ft of silk rope, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp

Age:  Bastet reach maturity around the same time humans do, in their late teens, and live a little over a century.  Yasath Lasl is 18 years old.

Alignment:  Bastet tend toward the chaotic, but Yasath Lasl’s deep sexual urge to obey per Dominant has pulled per alignment to simple neutrality.  Per works hard to balance the freewheeling ways of per mother with the devotion necessary to please those to whom per offers per service.

Personality Trait:  Everything I do, I do to entertain and arouse an audience.

Ideal:  Fetish -- No one can change what turns them on. My job is to fulfill desires, not judge them.

Bond:  In service to others, I have found a holy ecstasy and have seen the face of INSERT DEITY in that of every Dominant I have served.

Flaw:  I have a tendency to spend money as fast as I make it.  

The bastet are an all female race that was created by the goddess Lacania combining domestic cats and humanoids.  Because of this, they all revere Lacania, and tend to live by her tenets.  Many become her clerics, though all classes are present among their ranks.

To produce children, they mate with other races, and the resulting child, though sharing the physical characteristics of both parents, is always a bastet, with some exceptions.  The result of a bliss fey mating is a bliss fey swarm with cat ears and tails, and mating with a wanderer produces an entirely ordinary wanderer.  Any species who cannot produce children with other races, such the tangolo and the hulking greys, cannot produce offspring with bastets.  Any mating between a bastet and a pale man is, for unknown reasons, incapable of producing offspring.

Appearance wise they are humanoid with cat ears, a tail, some patches of fur, and feline paws instead of feet.  Fur comes in all domestic feline shades, and a bastet’s skin is an average of the mother and the father, which can make for some odd colors.  Eyes tend to be large and bright, and they do not physically show old age, though they do feel its effects.

Lucky Star

A tall, blond stranger enters the bar. When he smiles, he is so brilliantly handsome that he seems to glow.  He sits down at a corner table, winks at the barmaid, and asks, “Anyone for a game of cards?”

The beautiful elven woman nocks an arrow and draws the string. When she shoots, her aim is true.  A hundred feet away, the orc drops dead.

A gnome draws his weapon.  Dashingly handsome, he tosses his head to clear the black curls from his eyes.  Then he darts into the fray.

Lucky stars come from all walks of life and races.  The only thing they have in common is that they are incredibly, impossibly, gorgeous, so good looking that Lady Luck herself has fallen for them and is quietly aiding them in their adventures.  Or perhaps their patron is not Lady Luck, but another, more mysterious, force.  Who knows?

Dashing Good Looks

Every lucky star, regardless of race or origin, is incredibly handsome or impossibly beautiful.  What form those good looks take varies, and not everyone will find them attractive.  After all, different people have different tastes.  However, as a general rule, most people will swoon at the sight of them, and, in a new town, they draw every eye.

Most lucky stars are blatant show offs, enjoying the smoldering looks other people give them and doing their best to flaunt their unusual good looks.  However, some are a bit more shy, and prefer to stay out of the spotlight.  Inevitably, though, as soon as anyone gets a good look at them, they will be the talk of the town.


Lady Luck herself finds lucky stars incredibly attractive, and aids them in any way she can.  As they grow, their ability to channel her unusual energies grows too, and they gain more, and more unusual, powers.  Or perhaps their mysterious benefactor is not Lady Luck.  Who can say?  It’s not like the Lady of the Cards herself is terribly forthcoming about her activities.

Perhaps it is not Luck, but Fate, who is helping a particular lucky star.  Or perhaps a god, or an unusual demon.  Perhaps it is something even more strange, from a place far, far away.  Whoever their patron is, though, the results are the same: the lucky star is, as the name suggests, incredibly lucky.

Creating the Lucky Star

Who is your mysterious benefactor?  It could be Lady Luck, as the name of the class suggests, or it could be another being.  If it is the latter, feel free to be creative, but be sure to check with the DM to make certain your backstory fits with their overall world.

What led you to take up the adventuring life?  Are you looking for something, or just out to seek your fortune?  Perhaps you just get bored if you are in the same place for too long ~ or perhaps you tend to win too many card games.

How do you feel about your good looks and the attention they get you?  Are you comfortable in the spotlight? Do you seek it out?  Or does it find you, whether you want it to or not?


Detect Attraction or Repellents

Divination cantrip [ritual]

Casting Time:  1 action

Range:  30 ft

Components:  none

Duration:  Instantaneous

This spell can have two possible effects.  One, the spell tells you one of the target’s attractions at random.  Two, you may pick a specific attraction, or list of attractions, and the spell will tell you if the target has any of those, though not which one. 

When performed as a ritual, you need not be within 30 ft of the person if you have a lock of their hair, a fingernail clipping, a vial of semen, or something else that was once part of them. 

Note:  there is nothing to stop the spell from giving you the same result twice if you ask for an attraction at random. 


Enchantment cantrip

Casting Time: 1 action

Range:  Self

Components:  S, M (a small amount of makeup applied to the face as this spell is cast)

Duration:  Concentration, up to 1 minute

For the duration, you have advantage on all Charisma checks directed at one creature of your choice that isn't hostile toward you.  When the spell ends, the creature realizes that you used magic to influence its mood and becomes hostile toward you.  A creature prone to violence might attack you.  Another creature might seek retribution in other ways (at the DM's discretion), depending on the nature of your interaction with il.

True Strike

Divination cantrip

Casting Time:  1 action

Range:  30 feet

Components:  S

Duration:  Concentration, up to 1 round

You point a finger at a target in range.  Your magic grants you a brief insight into the target's defenses.  On your next turn, you gain advantage on your first attack roll against the target, provided that this spell hasn't ended.

Dashing Duelist

The dashing duelist doesn't mind a bit of risk, especially when the reward is great. They dash into the fray with a smile and a glint of perfect white teeth.


Like a courtesan, your trade is sex, but, unlike a courtesan, you cater to the lower class.  You frequent taverns and markets, advertising your trade with bare skin and seductive smiles.  You’ll give anyone a fuck for the right price, and you might have an STD or two, if you’re unlucky.  You might get some noble clients from those the courtesans have blacklisted, or who have interests a courtesan might be reluctant to indulge. 

In some places, your profession may very well be illegal, or at least frowned upon by the moral guardians.  If so, why did you go into whoring?  Are you somehow unsuited for any other work?  Are you uncommonly beautiful?  Or were you not given a choice?  In most places, though, a whore is just another professional, the same as a weaver or potter.  Either way, for some reason, you packed up and took to the road.  Maybe you quit.  Maybe you didn’t.  Either way, you still have a talent for sex. 


Yasath’s father, Zettai Mokjirok bes Uten Tensh, had all the slippery sneakiness and indomitable spirit of a true mystic.  His ancestors, unsatisfied with the claustrophobic life and cold gleam of the platinum mines, had journeyed from INSERT HOMELAND across the broad ocean, so vastly different from the caves, all the way to Dhar.  After selling every scrap of dwarfin-made jewelry and weapons, those ancestors dreaded their return to life underground.  They learned of the Dharian ways, of canyon tombs dripping in gold, opulent and enduring, luxury sent across the border of Death to be enjoyed by Pharaohs in the afterlife.  They approached the Pharaoh of Dhar at the time and with stoic faces covering their desperation, entered into his service as free craftsfolk, promising to measure their long lives in the brilliant and beautiful goods they would produce for that Pharaoh to enjoy after he died.  They have made the same deal with every Pharaoh since.

Making the treasures which the Pharaoh would clutch to their breast on the other side naturally spread over time to performing those funerary rites and the rituals of ghost-worship involving those objects and their transubstantiation.  Which in turn metamorphosed into a role for these dvergar as shaven-headed keepers of the tombs, functionaries of the state ancestral worship, monastic priests of the dead and keepers of histories.  Even past the point when Pharaonic tastes turned from lining the long stretch of a canyon with their graves to building tall pyramids as crypts to fuel their transition to join the stars.  This suited the Dharian dvergar well, as it gave them the time and freedom to enact all their various rites and to perfect their craft as they continued to adorn the canyon.

Yasath’s mother was a criminal bastet necromancer born of a mamba serpens father.  Sipofa (for such was her name) came to the Valley of Kings questing for the knowledge to be found there of antique means of claiming an undead state that you might continue to advise your descendants and receive their adoration.  She chose Uten Tensh amongst all the Dharian dvergar almost by accident to receive the gift of her venom, filling his pumping veins with lust for her pink fur and black opalescent scales.  Repeated doses were necessary as studying esoteric secrets is not a quick process, and lust gave way to love, and love gave way to mutual love.  As I said, Uten Tensh had all the slippery subterfuge of a true mystic, a sommelier of altered consciousness, comfortable with every distortion of thought.

Somewhere in this entwining, Yasath Lasl was conceived.  Per grew within Sipofha’s body for a time and then grew inside an egg in a hidden nest for a while.  Also sometime while Sipofha and Uten Tensh cavorted in the flood of their hearts’ waters and the rich fertile black soil left behind as it ebbed, the other Dharian dvergar learned why Sipofha had come, and what her unsavory ends were.  In the midst of a blinding sandstorm, Sipofha fled, leaving her egg to Uten Tensh’s stony nurturing.

The community decided that the child did not bear the faults of per mother inherently, that guilt was not an inheritable trait.  At least, not until Sipofha became ancestor and worked to guide the young bastet down similar paths.  And so the child was named Yasath Lasl (the Picked Rose) bes Uten Tensh, and had a boisterous childhood amongst a very quiet community.  Many of the priests’ prayers and rituals were disrupted by Yasath Lasl’s clamorous games with the ghosts of the canyon.  When per grew old enough that per could convince per father that the desert would not kill per, per sought his permission to set out on per own.  Per way was not that of contemplation and devotion, but of bringing what per had learned from those who’d raised per into an adventurous romp through the wilder world.

In truth, the journey to the city wasn’t long -- one day’s journey to an oasis and then another day’s walk until Yasath Lasl reached the banks of the Dhar river and the city that bulged off that fecund little strip of floodland.  Without any contacts to cobble the road for per, Yasath Lasl found that per only means of survival among the high-roofed clay buildings was to capitalize on per exotic looks and lack of civilized sexual standards.  Citizens from every social strata in Menefhyt made use of per services, relaxing within the calm comfort Yasath Lasl created from the tenderness of the dvergar monks.

In the process Yasath Lasl discovered the feeling of a racing small sun in per chest, the feeling that came when per allowed someone to take control of per for any significant length of time, the wetness in per breaches when the lash lay upon per back with its sharp and quick languor.  Per felt a call once again to adventure, to travel the desert and then the empty sky between the continents.  A noble emissary who had long been a client of Yasath Lasl’s offered an ongoing contract to travel with her as she represented Dhar across the various kingdoms.  The back and forth, strike and lunge, parry and riposte and circling evasion of the inevitable and endless dueling that makes up so much diplomacy amongst the highest classes was the only thing that affected Yasath Lasl the way that submission and pain did ~ of course, since per was mostly dueling as a champion of per Dominant, the heady rush quickly convinced per that this was what the gods and ghosts willed for per.

The many contracts that have followed since have only deepened Yasath Lasl’s conviction even as it broadened per experience.

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