Friday, December 11, 2020

The Bonnano Gigantino (I Meccanici di La Cosa Nostra; GURPS Classic)

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Technically the founding member of the Commission, the Bonnani have a roller-coaster history with that organizing organization.  After the capo di tutti capi was killed, 26-year-old Joe Bananas re-forged the family.  He even changed the name of the family, from Maranzano to Bonnano, but that was probably just good PR.  A failed attempt at a coup in the Commission after Joe Bananas' long-time ally Joe Profaci died (and the ensuing Banana War between Joe's heir and Profaci's son-in-law Bill and the Commission's pick, Gasparino DiGregorio) cost them the most powerful family status they'd enjoyed from the Thirties to the Sixties.  It was also the origin of the Colombo family, a reward to an opportunistic hitman all too happy to turn on his boss.  

Donnie Brasco, that rat, further cemented the family's fall, as the FBI agent infiltrated the family as it chewed through several capi in the Seventies and got them kicked off the Commission Salvatore Maranzano had founded.  Fuckin' Brasco wasn't even investigating the Bonnani at first, but the Colombi. They came back hard in the Nineties under the so-called Last Don, Big Joe Massino, whose focus on secrecy re-earned their seat, their supreme power, and their reputation as the most brutal of the Five Families.  Gotti helped, too, I guess.  The century changed, and capo Frank Coppa became the first made Bonnano since the Castellamarese War to turn informant or witness.  Of course, Big Joe, the only Mafia don to not be serving prison at the time, himself turned rat in the face of being the first mob boss to face the death penalty since '44.  A cavalcade of arrests and some warfare have plagued the family to this day, greatly weakening it once more.

The Gigantino was designed in the Nineties, a hulking intimidation piece composed mostly of a giant gun and armor.  Later models haven't changed this very simple design much, honestly, merely upgrading technology where possible.  The biggest boost was improvements in firearms construction, allowing a brutal 60mm gun to come standard with newer models.  Its name, which means "Little Giant", refers to its status as the heaviest meccanico commonly found among the families by a good three tons.  They are one of the more commonly seen meccanici outside of the States, as the Bonnano family ferries them to allies in Canada and especially to the Sicilian Mafia in Castellamare del Golfo, led by a boss named Tempesta with his own famous inclinations to violence.  Other families do keep a slow market going for these metal musclemen ~ what organization doesn't need to put the scare into someone sometimes? ~ and some say that this is the only thing keeping the Bonnano family alive.  Not around any Bonnano, of course, else a Gigantino show up at your door.

However, Gigantini actually see use fairly rarely.  They are tall and slow and oh so very visible, which puts any Gigantino pilot or their family at risk of attracting unwanted attention from other families or Johnny Law.  This has led to the question of who owns how many Gigantino meccanici being a matter of public knowledge.  If you purchase one, you have to be very careful about its use, so you make sure everyone knows you could use it against them if they forced your hand.  The decans of Agchoniôn, Arôtosael, Axiôphêth, and Methiax often empower these meccanici, their corresponding colors, images, and sigils starkly arranged to maximize the visual effect of the meccanici.  It can be astounding how similar the magics of invisibility and silence can be to those that make things scarier than they already are.

Subassemblies:  Two legs, two striker arms, limited-rotation turret.
Drivetrain:  100 kW motive power leg drivetrain, one in each leg.
Arm Motors:  Cheap ST 1000 arm motors in each arm.
Cockpit:  Basic, with computer downgrade (Complexity 2), in body.  No additional programs pre-installed.
Built-In Weapons:  TL8 60mm Gatling gun in body facing forward with 50 shots.
Sensors:  5-mile range PESA in turret facing forward. 2-mile range AESA in turret facing forward.
Comsuite:  Mini, in turret.
Power Plant:  133.4 kW ceramic engine in body.
Fuel:  Two 31.5-gallon self-sealing tanks, one in each leg, and a 20-gallon self-sealing tank in turret, provide 9.995 hours fuel.
Volumes:  Turret 3.595 cf, arms 4 cf each, legs 23.605 cf each, body 70.8295 cf.
Structure and Hit Points:  Extra heavy frame strength, cheap materials.  Human-compatible.  Turret 84 HP, arms 192 HP each, legs 300 HP each, body 750 HP.
Surface Features:  Sealed.
Armor:  PD 4, DR 465 laminate.
Statistics:  Loaded weight 20,566.05 lbs.  Empty weight 19,403.05 lbs.  Loaded mass 10.283 tons. Mecha volume 129.6345 cf.  Size Modifier +3, arms 0, turret -2, legs +1. Price $1,701,863.50.  HT 12.
ST and Reach:  Body ST 1500.  Arm ST 768/1000, arm (with reach 2, damage thrust 77d, swing 79d).  
Dimensions:  19 feet 4.5131 inches tall, 6 feet 5.5044 inches wide and long.
Ground Performance:  Ground speed 25 mph, gMR 2.5, gSR 1, ground Move 12.

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