Thursday, August 18, 2022

Superhero noir empowered by literary characters? LET'S GOOOOO


Omigawdz, y'all, his is a stream I'm SUPER EXCITE to play! 

TTRP Theater has quickly emerged as one of my absolute favorite streaming channels with its wide array of wondrous games (Werewolf: the Apocalypse, the One Ring, Star Trek, Kult, the best damn Sabbat game of Vampire: the Masquerade I've ever seen ~ so many I'ven't even been able to watch them all!), complete with dreams of being on one of their shows. 


This Saturday, August 20th @ noon PDT, my activist neighborhood witch, Vanessa Milstead, who spends her time giving the voices of the rich and powerful to the poor and powerless so they can finally be heard for once will begin exploring why the City hurts so fucking much with a team of fellow Rifts played by UK-based transgender news podcast What The Trans?, Vienna-based musician Chris Uboh, and others, with the inestimable Cthulhu Kid GMing! Even just the character creation process has been a helluva lotta fun!

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