But Boanerges is feeling (and acting) increasingly awkward. So much of how he knew to interact with people is falling away as he fights to achieve his Destiny by ensuring that justice grows within the Fifty. He has increasingly less of an idea of how to interact with people, and he is terrified that this will expose him as no longer agreeing with the ways of the Fifty. He’s seen what the horde does to those they consider traitors, and he fears that even those he considered (before) very good friends will commit such atrocities on him. These fears are particularly intense after the beating he took for another of the Fifty recently.
Self-control is, in many ways, alien to Boanerges. If there is a pleasure to be had (or better, taken), then he gives himself over to it with a venereal devotion that might be inspirational if it wasn’t so base. Drugs, sex, combat, gambling, whatever it is, Boanerges loves to do it. However, under influence from the archangel Awi, he is struggling to learn how to turn this passion for the bodily pleasures to more exalted ends, still as strong in intensity but less conducive to his remaining powerless. Oh, yes, Awi has shown him how the leaders of the Fifty have fostered this attitude of indulgence as a way to perpetuate their power and consolidate their control ~ to keep Boanerges and those like him docile. Their names are written in large print on that scrap of papyrus.
Also alien to Boanerges is the way in which he must work towards his goals. While personal glory and shining panache were how he used to measure success, now success come when no one (or only those that need to, anyway) realizes he was ever there. Where violence was once a way of life, peaceful interventions and subtlety are now his bread and butter. Where he once sought the defeat of those he campaigned against, now his goals are to ensure that justice is done and to bring his friends to the realization that there is another way to be. Constraining the thunderous force of Boanerges’s personality into these clandestine activities is a constant struggle with himself, and discernment has a tendency to disappear into discomfort. Thankfully, however, that means planning (something neither he nor any member of the Fifty was ever good at) is replaced by his old friend and true companion, quick wits.
Appearance: Like most ifrit of the Fifty, Boanerges’s extremely dark skin shines with an inhuman polished brass sheen, against which his long, thin fingers stand out in a beautiful matte dark charcoal-grey, a color that extends up to his elbows and is matched by his calves and feet. The pointed shape of ears similarly reflects that of the horns on his brow. The ivory, brass-colored gleam of these horns against the bright red of his hair, worn in the traditional triple-crested amasunzu of the Fifty, draw the eye from his easy, dare-you grin and glinting hazel gaze. One almost never notices the seeming oddity of that gaze, not just in color but in the gentle, unflinching steadiness of it, looking at any individual thing just a beat longer than one would expect.
Built like a whip ~ tall, thin, and powerful ~ Boanerges of the Fifty wears a flapping kaftan over a relatively sparse leather armor, designed as much for breathability and heat moderation as for protection. The kaftan is in the traditional pattern of the Fifty, an akyem pattern of bright red and grey, symbolizing the glory of great deeds performed in the purifying flames of battle. Strapped to his back is a large, eye-shaped shield, its black ostrich feathers swaying above a stylized painted image of a bowl containing blazing flames and a small, lightning-like serpent escaping its confines. Boanerges’s frame drips and clatters with gaudy jewelry fashioned from the claws, horns, hooves, and teeth of a wide variety of beasts. In his hand is a gorgeously-carved whacking stick, held by default in the traditional fashion, its bulb in front of his fist and its pointed shaft alongside his forearm.
The Unseen Heart of the Flame, on the other hand, leaves the shield behind and dons a very different kaftan, much more tailored and fit to his flame so as to reduce its sound and its motion. Its pattern is the emaa da pattern that denotes uniqueness, perfection, exceptional achievement, and creative ingenuity behind several large stars patterned with the nsoromma pattern depicting the hopeful power of the people when they depend not on themselves but upon the divine powers. The green in the nsoromma, however, is instead blue, replacing the growth of crops with the growth of peace and harmony. The short raffia surrounding a mask consisting of an abstractified, circular face separated from the crescent moon a foot above it by a white rectangle painted with a blue x ~ adapted from a more northerly mask representing Destiny ~ tickles the silver dove-winged scroll bouncing on his chest.
The two giveaways that Boanerges and the Unseen Heart of the Flame are the same person are the scarred, rough-worn, coarse leather armbands whose thick leather straps clasp each upper arm and the thin, flexible cotton cord wrapped several times around his waist.
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