Monday, October 5, 2020

The premiere of Neurally Ambiguous: Geppetto Must Die is THIS Thursday!

Last night, the Show Us Your Crits adult stream team had the pre-show consent conversation for the Shadowrun game **I'm** running on the stream!  The first episode of a Neurally Ambiguous: Geppetto Must Die will stream live this Thursday at 5pm PDT / 8 pm EDT at  

The game follows the sex workers Marko Lee (human music journalist), Pera Veneziano (the elf former pop-opera singer), and the ork known as La Diablita, a Catholic magician who ran away from home as a teenager!   These three are bunraku, hooked on a digital drug called BTL chips (Better Than Life) that replaces their personalities with whoever their client wants them to be.  It's a heady mix of my mind control fetish with my social conscience set in a world blending cyberpunk and fantasy.  Specifically, in a version of Chicago just recovering from the nuclear bomb blast that mostly failed to contain the invasion of bug spirits from beyond reality.

Episodes will be archived for on-demand viewing at (please subscribe, if you'd be willing. We'll be giving away a piece of memorabilia every 100 subscribers until we hit 1000.  We're quite close to 200!!)

If you'd like to help support me in producing more and more RPG content, both written and streamed, please consider becoming my patron at .  You can donate as little as $1 a month, and everything helps. I'm currently on food stamps and welfare, so there is no bucket for a drop to disappear among.  I am deeply grateful and profoundly helped by every donation.  Of course, if you'd like to give more, I have many tiers of patrons, all the way up to $500 a month!  You can support Grindhaus Media, the producers of Show Us Your Crits, similarly at .

Thank you very much!

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