Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Pantheon of Our Dungeon World

Tonight was character creation for our Dungeon World game ~ and man, was it fun!  I'll make separate posts with the character details, but a quick rundown is:
  • Natasha is playing Stephen Gil (a.k.a., Stevy Gil or Stevi G), the worst holy bard in the world. (He/him/his)
  • Kate is playing Finnegan "Finn" sim-Laugren, a half-gnomic miners' kid turned gangster who wields an ancient pickaxe too large for most ogres to wield easily. (He/him/his)
  • I am playing Zeguvra sim-Laxum, Finn's half-sibling and mining camp follower's kid (read: whore's kid) turned gangster turned devoted paladin of the god what freed com from prison. (Co/com/cor)
Over the course of character creation, we developed the object of my character's worship some and identified two other deities in the pantheon.  I took it on myself to find images that would help us visualize each deity.  This is what I found.  Each one has five photos to describe them ~ the idea is that if you combine all five pictures to form a single being, you can start to imagine the being itself.  I would love if someone who could draw decided to draw out images of each of these gawds, but that might have to wait until I can pay for commissions.

Deity of What Lies in the Deep, Sweet Waters Beneath
Odenki is my character's patron.  The deity of the deep, sweet waters beneath the surface shallows of brackish and polluted waters, of the freshwater hidden at the bottom of the cesspit.  His clergy is everyone's dirty little secret ~ useful for answering questions or finding stuff or discovering infidelity, but prone to casually letting slip truths about yourself you didn't know and didn't want to know.  Everyone's visited them, and no one wants to admit it, and absolutely no one has liked their visit.  Their symbol is a mask or group of masks, a reminder that what is seen is rarely what is.

{To Be Named By Our DM}
Deity of Delicious Moments
Few to no details have yet been worked out concerning this deity, who exists because the pizza box ordered us to enjoy our "delicious moments" and I'd just been looking at the cleric's god list and thought that phrase had to be on the list.

{Also to be Named by our DM} 
Deity of the Union of Land and Sky
Our characters have been on one adventure together already, for the Cartographer's Guild.  Sadly, the caravan we were guarding ran afoul of a manticore who worshiped this deity.  Like many of this deity's worshipers, the manticore had a fairly specific sort of delusion after drinking poisoned water for some time: it had decided that the poisoned water was forming an inappropriate border between land and sky and so sought to destroy the water and also the passing caravan.

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