Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Sparkle Heart Magic Force Go!

Beware, beware, the Ides of March!

Waitaminnit, you're not Iulius Caesar and you (probably) don't know anyone named Brutus! You can look forward to the Ides of March, which is good because EPISODE TWO of the hit actual-play game of Evil Hat Productions's Thirsty Sword Lesbians, SPARKLE HEART MAGIC FORCE GO!, airs on ESP - Enchanting Sorcery Productions!

Wanna know how these mid-20s absolute messes are gonna navigate their increasingly messy interrelationships? Or what's going on with that concrete monster-thing or with the faceless copy of our heroes' 13yo selves that released it? Is it even possible for Belladonna Sawyer to survive?

Come find out TOMORROW March 15th at 6pm Pacific at !!!

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