rundown of characters:
- Natasha is playing Stephen Gil (a.k.a., Stevy Gil or Stevi G), the worst holy bard in the world. (He/him/his)
- Kate is playing Finnegan "Finn" sim-Laugren, a half-gnomic miners' kid turned gangster who wields an ancient pickaxe too large for most ogres to wield easily. (He/him/his)
- I am playing Zeguvra sim-Laxum, Finn's half-sibling and mining camp follower's kid (read: whore's kid) turned gangster turned devoted paladin of the god what freed com from prison. (Co/com/cor)
This city-state is ruled by a single person who holds all the power, except for the power to ensure they'll stay in power. That person is the current lover of the highest-ranking wizard in the city-state, chosen from the military that defends it. That wizard's only political power outside of the guild that magically maintains the city-state's cohesion in this chaotically shifting world is to choose that partner and to dump them as the wizard chooses, removing them from power. The high wizard is free to choose other lovers if they so choose, but also gets a lot of pressure to have one and only one lover in the military.Stone houses built in concentric circles make up the substance of the city-state, which was built over time from the center out. The newest and outermost such circle is the slum known as the Ring, which is crowded full of wooden buildings jammed into the alleys between the older stone houses, so that taking a stroll around the Ring means squeezing through tight spaces while jumbled roofs squint at the sun above you. The Cartographer’s Guild occupies the most ostentatious stone building in the Ring.
This outpost of Merilerilor primarily supports its parent city-state by farming produce.
Another of Merilerilor’s outposts, whose primary resource is sugarcane, though kord farming and other livestock farming is also common. The worship of Hieridion is very popular.
Otherwise known as the First City, Adironika now lies in ruins. It was built 200 years ago and disappeared mysteriously one night. Our characters just discovered its first new appearance in 30 years.
The bardic uniform is a durable cross between a robe and a vest that falls to the bard's knees. It is more cloth than leather, and a spray of colors splattered in embroidery on a purple fabric.
Kords are giant placid crustacean livestock, who look sort of like turtlefish and taste something like a cross between turtle, lobster, and beef. The tallest portion of their black shells sway 8-10 feet above the ground. Shovel-like pincers and eyestalks extend from within that shell, which is crucial to the kord's survival in cold temperatures. In such situations, they contract into their shells, hibernating until the
cold passes. When they wake up from such a period, they then lay a crapload of eggs.
Each deity has three to five photos
to describe them ~ the idea is that if you combine all five pictures to
form a single being, you can start to imagine the being itself. I would
love if someone who could draw decided to draw out images of each of
these gawds, but that might have to wait until I can pay for
Goddix of What Lies in the Deep, Sweet Waters Beneath
is the goddix of the deep, sweet waters beneath
the surface shallows of brackish and polluted waters, of the freshwater
hidden at the bottom of the cesspit. Clergy of Odenki are everyone's dirty
little secret ~ useful for answering questions or finding stuff or
discovering infidelity, but prone to casually letting slip truths about
yourself you didn't know and didn't want to know. Everyone's visited
them, and no one wants to admit it, and absolutely no one has enjoyed
their visit. Their symbol is a mask or group of masks, a reminder that
what is seen is rarely what is.

God of Delicious Moments
to no details have yet been worked out concerning this god, who
exists because the pizza box ordered us to enjoy our "delicious moments"
and I'd just been looking at the cleric's god list and thought that
phrase had to be on the list.
Goddix of the Union of Land and Sky
characters have been on one adventure together already, for the
Cartographer's Guild. Sadly, the caravan we were guarding ran afoul of a
manticore who worshiped this deity. Like many of this deity's
worshipers, the manticore had a fairly specific sort of delusion after
drinking poisoned water for some time: it had decided that the poisoned
water was forming an inappropriate border between land and sky and so
sought to destroy the water and also the passing caravan.
Corresto, the Beastmother
Goddess of Change
The goddess of change, most of whose legends are old. One of the more commonly told is a child's fable called "The Little Girl and Corresto",
which is a bastardization of some very old legends. It is story of a girl who wanders into the
realm of gods from the woods, goes into Corresto’s realm, and meets all
manner of fantastic creatures. Every teller of the story tells that this nameless little girl makes a deal with Corresto to return, but the contents of that
deal are always different, often between tellings from the same storyteller, though each city does tend to have certain similarities in how they tell it. Sometimes the deal is clever,
sometimes the little girl just happens to luckily offer the one thing Corresto is interested in ~ there are a million and one variations, but the overlying theme
is that Corresto is the Beastmother. Every one of the incredibly adaptive
creatures in the world are viewed by this tale as her progeny.
Unnamed Yet
God of Death
We don't yet have a lot of details about this god, other than that Stevi G has been trading away important bits of himself to Death in order to return to life.
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