Float upon the Sea of Time (Cha)
At a moment’s notice, you can align yourself with the Eternal Now, the All of Time in its circularity, to help you recover from injuries, gain special insights, or perform other remarkable acts. You must have the Temporal Sensitivity feat to gain ranks in this skill.
Activate Time Power (Trained Only): You make a Float upon the Sea of Time check to use a Time power. This use of the skill requires no action.
Breath Control (Trained Only): You can slow Time’s consumption of the air in your lungs to help you hold your breath for an extended period of time. A successful DC 15 Float upon the Sea of Time check allows you to hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to four times your Constitution score before having to succeed on Constitution checks to continue to hold your breath.
Meditate on the All of Time (Trained Only): As a full-round action, you can meditate on the All of Time with a DC 15 Float upon the Sea of Time check. In this state, you remain fully aware of your surroundings. Each hour you remain in this trance, you regain a number of hit points equal to your character level as if from a day of natural healing. You can emerge from the trance as a swift action. If you remain in a Time trance for 4 consecutive hours, you emerge from the trance fully rested (as though you’ve rested for 8 hours), though this does not restore things like prepared spells or spells per day. While you’re in a Time trance, you can go ten times as long as normal without food or water. As a full-round action, you can place an adjacent willing ally that you touch into the same meditation on the All of Time with a DC 20 Float upon the Sea of Time check. In this state, the target ally rests as though in a deep coma and is considered helpless. Each hour the target remains in the meditation, the target regains a number of hit points equal to its character level, as if from a day of natural healing. You can bring an adjacent ally you touch out of the meditation as a swift action, but the target cannot otherwise come out of the meditation on their own. If the target remains in the meditation for 4 consecutive hours, the target emerges from the meditation fully rested (as though having rested for 8 hours), though this doesn’t allow them to re-prepare spells and the like. While the target ally is in the meditation, it can go ten times as long as normal without air, food, or water. Unwilling targets cannot be placed in the meditation.
Move Light Object (Trained Only): As a move action, you can use your position at the center and circumference of Time’s circle to telekinetically lift and move a relatively light object within your line of sight. A successful DC 15 Float upon the Sea of Time check allows you to move an object weighing up to 10 pounds a distance of 30 feet in any direction. As a standard action, you can use the object as a projectile weapon. If your Float upon the Sea of Time check beats the target’s AC, the object hits and deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage. Using an object as a projectile weapon is otherwise treated as a ranged attack for the purposes of talents and feats that interact with ranged attacks. You can use this application of the skill to catch and move a thrown weapon, such as bombs, that lands within your reach. The object can weigh no more than 3 pounds. You must ready an action to catch the object on your turn, before the object is thrown. Moving the object requires a Float upon the Sea of Time check, with a DC equal to the attack roll of the thrown weapon. If you succeed on this check, you catch the object by means of its movement through Time and can immediately move the object up to 30 feet away from you; otherwise, resolve the attack as normal. If the object you caught is an explosive, like a bomb, it explodes at the end of its movement. You can use the object caught as a projectile weapon, as normal.
Search Your Feelings: As a full-round action, you can make a DC 20 Float upon the Sea of Time check to determine whether a particular action will yield favorable or unfavorable results to you in the immediate future (10 minutes or less). For example, you can make the check to determine whether destroying a Fated artifact will have immediate unforeseen repercussions. The answer does not take into account the long-term consequences of a contemplated action. Using the above example, a successful check would not portend a future encounter with vengeful Tosj angered by the destruction of the Fated artifact. (The GM must assess the immediate consequences of the action, based on what he knows about the circumstances.)
Sense Pivots in Time (Trained Only): You automatically sense pivots in Time. A location that has a strong and active Fate can be sensed out to a range of 1 mile. A relative, companion, or close friend in mortal danger or great pain can be sensed out to a range of 1000 miles. A great disturbance, such as the destruction of an entire city or the distress of a whole order of allies, can be sensed anywhere, as long as you haven’t departed the world for one of the Spirit Realms. As a full-round action, you can make a DC 20 Float upon the Sea of Time check to determine the distance and general direction to the location of the disturbance. As a full-round action, you can use this ability to actively sense other people with ranks in Float upon the Sea of Time or with the Temporal Training feat out to a range of 100 miles. If you succeed on a DC 20 Float upon the Sea of Time check, you know how many such people are within range, their approximate distance and direction from you, and whether you’ve met them before or not. If such a character wishes, they can try to conceal their presence from you by making an opposed Float upon the Sea of Time check. If they equal or exceed your Float upon the Sea of Time check, you don’t sense their presence at all. You can also specify that you are attempting to sense only Time-floaters with a Fate Score of 1 or higher; success reveals only those Time-floaters with Fate scores, and not any other Time-floaters.
Sense Surroundings: As a swift action, you can make a DC 20 Float upon the Sea of Time check to ignore the effects of cover and concealment when making Perception checks to detect or observe targets until the start of your next turn. Increase the DC by 5 if this ability is used against targets with total cover.
Telepathy: As a standard action, you can establish a telepathic link with a distant creature. Through the link, you can exchange emotions or a single thought, such as “Go!”, “Help!”, or “Danger!” The target must have an Intelligence of 2 or higher, and the distance between you and the target determines the DC (same city 20, same country 25, same continent 30, different continent 35). Against an unwilling target, you must make a Float upon the Sea of Time check opposed by the opponent’s Will save that also meets or exceeds the base skill DC; if the check fails, you cannot establish a telepathic link or attempt to telepathically contact the target for 24 hours unless the target becomes a willing one.
Special: You can’t make Float upon the Sea of Time checks unless you have the Temporal Sensitivity feat. You can take 10 on a Float upon the Sea of Time check, but you can’t take 20.
Moonbeam blade: Cost 300 gp; Dmg (S) 2d4; Dmg (M) 2d6; Critical x4; Range –; Weight 2 pounds; Type Slashing and fire; Ignores up to 10 point of hardness when striking objects
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