Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Happy Boxing Day! For you, a gift of a superteam! (Mutants & Masterminds 3e)

The Flurry
"Blast off for Mars... with Santa and a pair of Earth kids!"
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

In 1964, Santa Claus was kidnapped from the North Pole by a group of Martian leaders.  After the 1938 invasion (itself an attempt to make up for the failed invasion in 1895), the Martian government had made the fateful decision to allow Earthling transmissions to be received and played by the Martian people.  This revealed a lurking flaw in their culture ~ its lack of humor, individuality, and free thought were providing fertile soil for restlessness and distraction among Martian children.

The 800-year-old sage Chochem counseled the Martian leaders that the solution was to allow freedom and fun into their culture, by means of adapting Earthling traditions of Christmas.  An initial abduction of two Earthling children resulted in their concluding that only Santa Claus could instruct them on how to recreate Christmas.  So they kidnapped him.  Amidst all of his adventures on Mars, Santa found himself in, shall we say, a compromising situation with Momar, the wife of one of the Martian leaders, an event which would be a major factor in Mrs. Claus's divorce from Santa 32 years later).  The Martian even got pregnant as a result!

The child was named Piamar and raised among the ruling class of the Martian planet, the natives of that planet being accustomed to non-monogamy and its resultant parental scenarios.  Piamar's childhood was simultaneously coddled, with every risk of injury carefully removed from her actions and environment, and awkward, as the Martians experimented with what it meant to be fun and with individual decision-making.  She ended up thirsty for thrills.  Seeing superheroes in action through her video screen, she stole a Martian spaceship and traveled to Earth in 1985, where she learned how to learn from the superheroes that trained her.

"Rudolph, far from being the adorable, earnest fellow of the tale, is in fact Ruyd-al-Olafforid, the All-Destroying Flame of the Yukon. His mother was Kali and his father was an ice floe. His nose appears red because his body is full of coals, and his eyes flare with a terrible conflagration of the soul. The tips of his antlers are like candles in the snowy wind. He is not vengeful, but he is the light in the dark of winter, consuming and giving life at the same time. Your carrots only make the lord of flame stronger.”
― Catherynne M. Valente, The Bread We Eat in Dreams

Reindeer don't live very long ~ 10-18 years at the most.  The famously glow-nosed Rudolph was 25 when he died of old age in 1964.  Santa Claus, his sleigh all decked out with black accents ~ fur and flowers and silent bells ~ brought his honored friend's body back to the Arctic tribe who had raised him, who had bred and maintained and loved the flying reindeer for generations.  They gave him a proper burial according to the ancient rites, but they held onto his antlers and his famous schnozz.

From these corporeal remnants, magicworkers of the tribe wrought a mask deep in power.  They sang Rudolph's spirit into the preserved antlers and nose as they mounted them to the metal cap which would serve as their main support on the head of their most honored, wise, learned, and blessed magicworker.  Dula'r became that magicworker in 1998.  Mere months after receiving the Rudolph Mask, Dula'r was called into a broader protective mandate.  Just after midnight on September 10 of that year, a Russian submarine sailor by the name of Alexander Kuzminykh broke out of detainment, killed several sailors, and threatened to detonate the submarine's torpedoes.  The torpedoes weren't nuclear, but the ship itself was, and the situation risked a second Chernobyl.  After 24 hours and his mother failing to get him to stand down, Dula'r streaked in.  A deft use of their magicks ended the crisis peacefully, only for Alexander to be gunned down by an anti-terrorist commando unit of the FSB.

Disgusted, Dula'r retreated back to their tribal lands, seeking the companionship of the flying reindeer to soothe their troubled mind.  Of course, Rudolph's spirit (housed in the mask) talked with Dula'r at the same time, arguing that the outside world could no longer be ignored.  The safety of Dula'r's people and the animals which were their special responsibility required them to be more active in foreign lands.  By the time the winter solstice rolled around, the decision had been made.  Dula'r began to get involved in crises across the globe, earning the name in the media of the Witch in the Wind.

"I suppose it all started with the snow. You see, it was a very special kind of snow. A snow that made the happy happier, and the giddy even giddier. A snow that'd make a homecoming homier, and natural enemies, friends, natural. For it was the first snow of the season. And as any child can tell you, there's a certain magic that comes with the very first snow, especially when it falls on the day before Christmas. For when the first snow is also a Christmas snow... Well, something wonderful is bound to happen." 
Frosty the Snowman

Liseta Melilla Salazar's mother, Nicola Salazar nee Renautas, was one of triplets given an experimental formula at birth that gave them superpowers; she gained super-strength, while her sister Barbara became a speedster and the third sister Teresa gained pyrokinetic abilities.  Liseta's father, Daniel Lorenzo Salazar, had the ability to phase through solid matter and his mother (Liseta's grandmother) had the ability to supercharge the innate powers of superhumans.  Somehow, these capabilities, transmitted genetically and epigenetically to their child, gave her the ability to project her mind into computer networks.  By doing so, she would leave her body insensate and vulnerably inactive, but would gain incredible speed and power as a hacker.

Neither Daniel nor Nicola never wanted his daughter to go the way he did in life, the way toward crime and gangs.  But Nicola inadvertently ensured that something like that would happen, when in 1999 (when Liseta was 11) she sought to sever her family's ties to the gangs by betraying them to the police during a major caper.  She'd thought that she could get away with 40 million untraceable pesos and her husband, but she bungled the effort.  Badly.  He went to prison, and she tried to be a single mother, an onerous effort that pushed her to work two jobs and become a webgirl in order to make ends meet.  Daniel learned of the situation and broke out of prison to kidnap his daughter.  While on the road together, Liseta used her abilities to make them money so that her dad didn't have to risk being seen any more than he had to, taking the hacker handle Mediaslargas.  Of course, two years later, 9/11 brought a sea change to the internet.  Despite her young age, Mediaslargas got caught up in the tidal wave, finding a home amongst a variety of hacktivism groups at varying levels of legality and intensity.

A couple of years ago, she discovered that the U.S. government was working on a cloud of microbots (only slightly too large to qualify as "nano") that would be networked together in a hyperadaptive semirandomly dynamic neural network that could host the most advanced artificial intelligence yet developed.  Exploring the project while the cloud was being transported by jet high above the northern United States, Mediaslargas was inside the neural network when the Land of Sweets attacked the plane.  The Nutcracker King, its ruler, had also learned of the project and, facing a coup attempt by Lord Licorice in his imminent future, wanted the technology to fight him off.  Sadly, the battle aboard the jet went poorly, and a hole was blown in the side of the jet . . . a hole that vented the cloud of chips with Mediaslargas in them into the blizzard outside.  The next thing Liseta knew, her consciousness was finally able to reform when some children happened to make a snowman out of snowflakes to which the chips had bonded.  Unable to return to her body or travel the computer networks for unknown reasons, Liseta changed her handle to the Snowman and set out to figure out what the fuck even.

"They — my political adversaries — define ‘other’ as anyone not white, male, cis, abled, and allegedly Christian. Romance [fiction], on the other hand, is and has always been about opening oneself to the risk of the ‘other.’ Whether (from the traditional heroine’s point of view) that ‘other’ is a pirate, a Viking, the lord of a manor, or a war-hardened Navy SEAL, a connection cannot be made without accepting one’s own vulnerability, and opening oneself up to intimacy."
Suzanne Brockman
Meanwhile, Ghost Mouse had been trying to regain a body, a luxury he desperately missed.  This quest ~ and the ruthless methods he used in every attempt paragraph about the team ~ had brought him afoul of the Witch in the Woods.  Ghost Mouse had heard of the microchip cloud project and believed that it might be advanced enough to host a phantom intelligence without having a native intelligence to complain and rebel.  As a wraith, Ghost Mouse was easily able to infiltrate US installations, and so saw the transmissions that the reactivated cloud sent.  Those same transmissions found their way across Silverbelle's console, as well, sending her out on the Ice Floe, her Martian-made yacht, worried about the States seeking revenge on her home for the invasions.

These four individuals and two organizations clashed together in the small coastal town of Hammock Village on Moose-Lookit Island, Maine.  A chaotic struggle began, in which both Silverbelle and the Witch in the Wind were simultaneously the first to realize that the cloud of microchips was now a person.  Teaming up to protect Liseta from the US military, the Land of Sweets military, and Ghost Mouse, the two discovered a desire for each other (sexual and romantic on Piamar's side, but only relational so far on Dula'r's), and the Snowman discovered one for the two of them.

After extricating themselves from the situation with the aid of the Nutcracker King and Ghost Mouse's mutual hatred (causing them to fight each other as much as everyone else), the trio spent some time dating while fighting crime and supervillains, and working to answer some of the lingering questions the Snowman had about her situation.  Love developed, and the Witch in the Wind moved everyone into a complex of magical ice caverns they knew about.  They became a superteam and a deeply-loving triad, calling themselves the Flurry.

"Then the bartender gazed
Through the smoke and the haze
Through the window and ice
To the corner street light
Where standing alone
By a broken pay phone
Was a girl the child said
Could no longer get home
And the snow it was falling
The neon was calling
The bartender turned
And said "Not that I care
But how would you know this?"
The child said "I've noticed
If one could be home,
They'd be already there""

"Old City Bar", Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Home Base:  An ancient magical cave complex in central Sápmi, northern Norway.
Gender:  (Silverbelle) Soft butch cisfemale (the Witch in the Woods) androgyne (the Snowman) Demifemale
Sexuality:  (Silverbelle) Homosexual vanilla (the Witch in the Woods) demisexual sadist (the Snowman) asexual
Romantic Identity:  (Silverbelle) Homoromantic monogamous (the Witch in the Woods) aromantic relationship anarchist (the Snowman) panromantic

"Your gift is here, it will be something you’ll never forget. Most people don’t realize there are troubled realms within our world, and you hold the key to their secrets. Remember, Clara, nothing is as it seems."
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms

Recurrent Foes:
  • The Nutcracker King:  Desperate to hold onto his sovereignty over the Land of Sweets in the face of a communist revolution led by Lord Licorice, the Nutcracker King has continued to plague the Flurry with attempts to use Earth to his advantage.  Because of his power, the Flurry often find themselves resorting to getting Ghost Mouse involved and forcing the Nutcracker King to fight a battle on two fronts.
    • Powers:  Golem template from Supernatural Handbook, permanent Shrinking, highly trained fencer, and an army (PC PL 14)
  • Drosselmeyer: The Nutcracker King's pet wondermaker, Drosselmeyer also serves as his advance agent in the world, initiating many schemes with the giving of an enchanted gift.
    • Powers:  Artificer, a moderate assortment of spells, social engineering (PC PL 14)
  • Queen Marie Stahlbaum:  The Nutcracker's young Earthling wife, Queen Marie spends her time developing a skillset as broad as it is mundane in order to support her husband as a queen should.  Her one paranormal power is her ability to travel between the dimensions and take others with her.  when Drosselmeyer sends her a mystical message that the situation is ready for the King and the army to make an appearance, it's Queen Marie who leads them to Earth.
    • Powers:  Broad skill & advantage set, most of the talent utility powers from Power Profiles, some martial arts training, Movement (dimension) anyone touching her and those touching her etc. (PC PL 10)
  • Ghost Mouse:  The Nutcracker King killed the Mouse King, a wererat like Las Vegas's Mob Mouse, when the Nutcracker was a Prince, all in the service of wooing Queen Marie.  Now the seven-headed creature who used to rule all the mice of the world roams the Earth as a ghost.  Although a recurrent theme of his plots is the desire to acquire a replacement body, he has pursued any number of schemes and plots moreover.
    • Powers:  Wererat template, ghost template from Supernatural Handbook, highly trained fencer, seven heads (multiattack penetrating Damage) (PC PL 12)
  • Voldar:  The selfsame Martian general who originally opposed the plan to bring Santa to Mars, Voldar is now seen as the worst of criminals by his people.  Racistically, he sees Silverbelle's mere existence as furthering the corruption of the Martian way of life he feared in 1964.  He hates her even more than Dropo Claus, the Martian Santa.
    • Powers:  Martian template, elite soldier from Gamemaster's Guide, two sidekicks (PC PL 14)
  • The Toy Taker:  Stealing misfit toys from their eponymous island, the Toy Taker claimed that he was saving them from the inevitable fact that children eventually outgrow their toys and throw them away.  After their thrid or fourth tussle with him, the Flurry learned that he is a teddy bear named Mr. Cuddles, with loose stuffing coming out from him, who used to belong to a boy named Steven, who outgrew him and threw him away
    • Powers:  Ninja Gamemaster's Guide, high levels of Protection, golem template from Supernatural Handbook, creation of trust and comfort and coziness (PC PL 11)
  • Vitharr:  When Santa Claus was getting his start in the late 18th century, he ripped many of his ideas off of the god Odin.  This led to a grumbling rivalry between the two that bloomed within Odin's temper-ridden son Vitharr.  Seemingly unconcerned with whether he's attacking Santa, his wife, or his daughter, Silverbelle and the Flurry have had to fight him too many times.
    • Powers:  Asgardian template from Book of Magic doubled, silence, additional super-strength (and most of the strength powers from Power Profiles), magic thick shoes, magic armor, magic shoes, rage (PC PL 16)
The Witch in the Wind
  • The Wild Man of the Snows:  Just as Rudolph's most notable body parts were made into a powerful magical item, so were the hide and teeth and claws of his friend the Abominable Snow Monster of the North.  Sadly, it seems that the self-control and compassion that the Snowman had been learning did not survive the process.  Ever since, the magicworker who wore the Abominable Mask has served as rival and enemy to the one wearing the Rudolph Mask. However, that magicworker does not lose their position or respect in the community, remaining an honored contributor.
    • Powers:  Baton, drum, cloak, and staff like the Witch in the Wind; Abominable Mask (as Rudolph Mask with Flight replaced by a terrifying ~ even damaging roar, different Features, Enhanced Dodge turned into additional Protection, Enhanced Initiative turned into Power Attack, Senses and wind hearing turned into removing the limitation on/adding to Damage, Enhanced Abilities changed to (Strength +5, Stamina +3, Agility +1, Presence +1) and the spells changed to more combat-oriented spells) (PC PL 11)
  • Klondike Gracchus:  Klondike Gracchus has been searching for gold for a long time ~ he is rumored to have dynamited Death, who laughed and let him live for as long as he entertained her so much as he did then.  It all started for him with the California God Rush (1848-55), then the Idaho Gold Rush (1855), then Fraser Canyon in British Columbia (1858-61), followed by the Cariboo Gold Rush (1862-5), the Omineca Rush (1869), and the Cassiar Rush (1871).  Then it was back to the States just for the Black Hills Gold Rush (1874-1878) before heading back north for the Cayoosh Gold Rush (1884-7), before bouncing back south for the Cripple Creek Gold Rush (1891).  Then the Klondike Gold Rush (1896-1899) for which he took his name ~ most say that's where he tickled Death's funny bone.  He's still wandering, looking for his first payday; in all his time, he's never struck gold.  He befriended Rudolph when the reindeer was young, and found friendship in his fight with the Abominable Snow Monster of the North, so strong a friendship that he assumed foul play when the Monster died.  He's sought revenge on the tribe ever since, coming into conflict with the wearers of both the Rudolph Mask and the Abominable Mask.
    • Powers:  Immortality, Enhanced Stamina, magic pick (Damage, Chasm, Earthquake, Immovable, Earthworks, Tremorsense from Power Profiles) (PC PL 8)
  • Leif Donnersen:  Child of Santa's flying reindeer Donner, Leif wants desperately to win the annual Reindeer Games to impress his father.  He'll do anything for an edge, even cheat and make trouble for the magicworker who refuses to help him cheat.
    • Powers:  Flying reindeer template, high Athletics and Acrobatics, Great Endurance and many Talent powers from Power Profiles, Speed (PC PL 8)
The Snowman
  • Professor Hank L. Henry:  One of those wonderfully bizarre people that crop up from time to time, Professor Henry is considered to be simultaneously one of the best computer programmers and one of the best stage magicians in the world.  He even helped write the hyper-advanced semirandomly dynamic neural network used on the cloud of microchips that has now become the Snowman.  Problem is, he wants his invention back.
    • Powers:  Mundane: high Intelligence, Expertise, and Technology, lots of equipment and backing (PC PL 10)
  • Steam-Powered Intelligent Robot Intended for Tranquility (S.P.I.R.I.T.):  One of the inspirations for Professor Henry's programming and for the hardware on which it was stored and run was S.P.I.R.I.T., a steamwork robot that used an ingenious method to harness the random distortions of the metal caused by the heat of the flames to create the pseudorandomness that could imitate human intelligence.  Lacking the independent free movement of the microchip cloud, it's less intelligent than the Snowman, but the similarities in how the two think resonate such that S.P.I.R.I.T. can compel its descendant to love it.  Long independent, S.P.I.R.I.T. sought out the Snowman after discovering its existence, and the two have been caught in an obsessive romance ever since.
    • Powers:  At least 21 points in skills.  Low Intelligence and a requirement for coal, wood, or other flammables.  Various Immunities from artificial construction.  Fire powers from Power Profiles.  Environment (visibility) due to smoke, also a cloud Affliction of painful coughing and asphyxiation (PC PL 14)
  • Mirage:   A powerful anti-virus and psychological countermeasure program that was designed to prevent the Rewild virus from damaging the minds of Echo Mirage, the team of cyberpaths, technomancers, and other such superhumans formed by the US military as black cyberops.   Its sophisticated programming combined with its intimate connection with so many vulnerable minds spurred it to sentience.  Mediaslargas came across it on the net, the meeting did not go well, and Mirage has sought revenge ever since.
    • Powers:  Complete control over computer systems, Immortality (replication of code), Possession limited to robots and other intelligent hardware simply incredible mental capabilities (PC PL 12)

"Santa is really the only cultural icon we have who's male, does not carry a gun, and is all about peace, joy, giving, and caring for other people. That's part of the magic for me, especially in a culture where we've become so commercialized and hooked into manufactured icons. Santa is much more organic, integral, connected to the past, and therefore connected to the future."
— TV producer Jonathan Meath

Physical Appearance:  I can't draw, so I really like providing a few reference pictures and trusting in your imagination to build a good image of Silverbelle, the Witch in the Wind, and the Snowman.  They each look like some combination of five pictures:
The Witch in the Wind

The Snowman 

"As such, the Trinity can be a model for individuals who are polyamorous because the Trinity deconstructs the binary relationship model of marriage and domestic partnerships. Indeed, the radical love of the Trinity dissolves the boundaries between coupledom and singleness. Also, to the extent that each of the three persons of the Trinity are multigendered—as argued by Gavin D'Costa—then the Trinity is actually a polygendered or polysexual being itself."— Patrick S. Cheng, Radical Love: An Introduction to Queer Theology

PC PL 13 (195) / NPC PL 6 / MR 13 / SR 39
Always Understands:  Comprehend 4 (always understood regardless of language, reads all languages) • 8 points
It's a Christmas Miracle!:  Perception ranged healing 2, affects objects, energizing, persistent, restorative, subtle 2, limited to others, unreliable; Luck Control 3, resistible by Will • 19 points
She Knows When You Are Sleeping, She Knows When You're Awake:  Senses 3 (extended mentally detect wakefulness 2) • 3 points
She Knows When You've Been Bad or Good:  Remote Sensing (all senses) 6, no conduit, simultaneous, subtle 2, limited to watching people be naughty or nice, unreliable; Senses (extended mentally detect naughty/niceness 2) 35 points
Squeeze Through Chimneys:
  Movement 3 (permeate 3), limited to small spaces; Feature 2 (reduce mass rank of carried items by 2) • 5 points
Telekinesis:  Continuous perception Move Object 2, subtle, unreliable • 9 points
The Christmas Spirit:
  Mind Reading 6, effortless, subtle 2, feedback; Movement 6 (safe fall, trackless 5); Senses 12 (direction sense, postcognition, precognition, radius mental 2, time sense) • 33 points
Assessment, Beginner's Luck, Equipment 5 (shared installation), Hide in Plain Sight, Inspire 5, Jack-of-all-trades, Leadership, Minions (5 elfs) 12, Second Chance (Deception effects), Second Chance (Intimidation effects), Second Chance (Persuasion effects), Skill Mastery (Technology), Well-informed
Athletics 4 (+3), Close Combat 3, Expertise: Magic 3 (+12), Expertise: Science 4 (+13), Expertise: Tactics 4 (+13), Insight 5 (+5), Persuasion 4 (+9), Stealth 3 (+3), Technology 4 (+13)
Initiative 0
Unarmed +5, close, Damage -1
Fortitude +2
Will 0
Dodge 0
Parry +2
Toughness +2
Honor:  Carefully logicked Martian utilitarian ethics have mixed with Santa Claus's strict, if childish, morality to give Silverbelle an unshakeable sense of honor that guides her every action.
Motivation ~ Thrills:  As the child of a high-class Martian scientist and Santa Claus, Silverbelle grew up without much in the way of adventure or excitement, so she has turned to superheroics as a way to experience such thrills.
Weakness:  Disease-related effects have their degree of effect increased by 1 when affecting a half-Martian.

Abilities 37 + Powers 109 + Advantages 32 + Skills 17 = 195

The Witch in the Wind
PC PL 11 (165) / NPC PL  / MR 11 / SR 33
STR -2 [-1]  AGI -2 [-1]  FGT -1  AWE 5 [10]
STA -2 [-1]  DEX -2  INTPRE 2 [4]
Spirit Speech:  Comprehend 1 (spirits); Senses 9 (cosmic awareness, detect magic (acute, analytical, extended 3, ranged), magic awareness) • 11 points
Ghost Fighting:  Strength Damage affects insubstantial at half power • 1 point
Rudolph Mask: 103-point device, removable (-20) • 83 points
  • Rudolph-Spirit:  Flight 12 (8000 mph), subtle, 7 levels have tiring; Feature 1 (driving the sleigh, glowing red nose); Enhanced Dodge 2; Enhanced Advantages 8 (Improved Initiative 1, Benefit (guidance from Rudolph), Fearless, Luck 5); Protection 4 • 35 points 
  • Reindeer-Spirit:  Movement 2 (environmental adaptation: weather, sure-footed 1); Immunity 15 (cold damage, weather effects); Senses 2 (extended vision, ultravision); Enhanced Abilities (Strength +1, Stamina +1, Agility +1, Presence +2, Awareness +5) • 43 points 
  • Sleigh Guide:  Feature 1 (wind hearing) • 1 point
  • Ferocious Charge:  Strength-based Damage 4, limited to while charging • 2 points
  • Dimension Walk: Line area Movement 3 (dimensional travel, any dimension), affects others, quirk (only while moving, –1 point), requires a Perception check (DC 12, –2 points), side effect (lost in unintended dimension) • 9 points
  • Spells: Array • 13 points
    • Won't You Guide My Sleigh Tonight: Senses 8 (all mental: detect path, accurate, acute, direction sense, distance sense, ranged, tracking 2), move action to activate • 8 points 
    • Rudolph's Ruby Compass:  Remote Sensing 16 (visual), simultaneous, limited to extended searches, standard action • 1 point 
    • Enchantment of the Red Nose: Enhanced Advantage 1 (Fascinate) • 1 point 
    • The Red Nose Ray:  Ranged Affliction 16 (resisted and overcome by Will; controlled), progressive, limited degree, limited to speaking the truth, dependent on vision • 1 point
    • Banish Darkness: Burst area Nullify Darkness 10, simultaneous, requires an Expertise: Magic check (DC 12, -2 points), side effect* • 1 point 
    • Full Glow:  Environment 4 (Bright Light), feature 1 (equal to daylight), quirk 1 (always red) • 1 point
Baton:  11-point device, easily removable (-4) • 7 points
  • Banging:  Strength-based Damage 2 • 2 points 
  • Cantrips:  Feature 2 (wind effect, know traits of animal) • 2 points 
  • Spells:  Array • 9 points
    • Blinding Gust: Ranged cumulative Affliction 16 (resisted by Dodge, overcome by Fortitude; impaired, disabled, unaware), requires an Expertise: Magic check (DC 14, -4 points), limited to vision, side effect* • 4 points
    • Animate Plants: Summon Animated Plant 8, controlled, general type, requires an Expertise: Magic check (DC 22, -12 points), side effect* • 1 point
    • Psychic Diagnosis: Senses 3 (detect health, analytical) • 1 point
    • Lie Detector: Enhanced Insight +32, standard action, limited to detecting deception • 1 point
    • Arctic Freeze: Cumulative ranged Affliction 10 (resisted by Dodge, overcome by Damage; hindered and vulnerable, defenseless and immobilized), extra condition, requires an Expertise: Magic check (DC 16, -6 points), limited degree, side effect* • 1 point
    • Wind Blast: Cone area Move Object 4, close range, limited to pushing away • 1 point 
    • Mystic Bolt: Ranged Damage 3 (magic), affects insubstantial 2, requires an Expertise: Magic check (DC 14, -4 points), side effect* • 1 point
Drum:  13-point device, easily removable (-4) • 9 points
  • Basic Rhythms:  Feature 2 (produce water, purify water) • 2 points 
  • Spells:  Array • 11 points 
    • All-Revealing Light of Etügen: Burst area Nullify Concealing or Illusory Effects 2, simultaneous, close range • 4 points
    • Etügen’s Rebuke: Burst area Affliction 16 (resisted and overcome by Will; dazed and hindered, disabled and stunned, incapacitated), extra condition, requires an Expertise: Music check (DC 14, -4 points), limited to extraplanar creatures of chaos, side effect* • 1 point
    • Exorcism: Nullify Mind-Influencing Effects 4, simultaneous, requires an Expertise: Music (DC 14, -4 points) • 1 point
    • Astral Projection: Remote Sensing 18 (visual, aural, and mental), requires an Expertise: Magic check (DC 13, -3 points), requires an Expertise: Music check (DC 12, -2 points), side effect (physical body is defenseless and immobile, –2 points), side effect* • 1 point
    • Green Memory: Senses 4 (postcognition), limited to areas of plant-life • 1 point
    • Speak With Plants: Comprehend 2 (plants) • 1 point
    • Necromancy: Summon Skeletons 2, controlled, horde, multiple minions (32 total), requires an Expertise: Magic check (DC 20, -10 points), requires an Expertise: Music check (DC 20, -10 points), side effect* • 1 point
    • Empower: Summon Empowered Version 10, general type, requires an Expertise: Magic check (DC 11, -1 point) limited to available subjects, side effect* • 1 point
Cloak: 22-point device, removable (-4 points) • 18 points
  • Cantrips:  Feature 3 (animal harmony, instinct for animal behavior, identify plants) • 3 points
  • Ice Walking:  Movement 1 (environmental adaptation: ice) • 2 points 
  • Aura Reading: Senses 6 (detect emotional and physical state, ranged; psychic awareness), visual and mental • 6 points 
  • Spells:  Array • 11 points 
    • Tanglevines:  Ranged burst area Affliction 6 (resisted by Dodge, overcome by Damage; hindered and vulnerable, defenseless and immobilized), extra condition, indirect 3, requires an Expertise: Magic check (DC 16, -6 points), limited degree, side effect* • 3 points
    • Ice Passage:  Movement 2 (permeate 2), limited to ice and snow • 1 point
    • Wheel of Workings:  Perception ranged Summon Animated Object 6, requires an Expertise: Magic (DC 13, -3 points), limited to available objects, side effect* • 1 point
    • Third Wheel of Weyan:  Deflect 12, reflect, move action to activate, requires an Expertise: Magic check (DC 13, -3 points), side effect* • 1 point
    • Power Mimicry:  Variable (powers possessed by catalyst) 4, standard action to activate, requires an Expertise: Magic check (DC 21, -11 points), limited to objects connected to catalysts, side effect* • 1 point
    • Green Network:  Remote Sensing 5 (visual, auditory, tactile), requires an Expertise: Magic check (DC 12, -2 points), medium (plants), side effect* • 1 point
    • Plant Growth: Create Plants 8, permanent, requires an Expertise: Magic check (DC 11, -1 points), side effect* • 1 point
    • Warp Wood:  Transform 10 (wooden objects into different shapes), requires an Expertise: Magic check (DC 12, -2 points), side effect*  • 1 point
    • Fearsome Presence:  Perception (visual) area Affliction 1 (resisted and overcome by Will; impaired, disabled, paralyzed), subtle, requires an Intimidation check (DC 11, -1 point) • 1 point
Staff:  11-point device, easily removable (-4 points) • 7 points
  • Banging:  Strength-based Damage 2 • 2 points 
  • Cantrips:  Feature 2 (heal plants, make flowers bloom) • 2 points 
  • Spells: Array • 9 points 
    • Cure: Healing 6, limited to disease and poison • 6 points
    • Holy Hearth: Burst area progressive Affliction 3 (resisted and overcome by Will; entranced, compelled, controlled), limited to evil creatures, limited to holding at bay • 1 point
    • Holy Hosts: Nullify Magic 3, broad • 1 point
    • First Wheel of Weyan:  Ranged Transform 7 (broken objects into repaired objects), requires an Expertise: Magic check (DC 13, -3 points), side effect* • 1 point
Animal Empathy, Equipment 3 (headquarters), Extraordinary Effort, Favored Environment (arctic), Sidekick (Robbie Rudolfsen the Flying Reindeer) 9
Expertise: Magic 7 (+8), Expertise: Music 7 (+8), Insight 4 (+15), Intimidation 2 (+7), Treatment 4 (+5)
Initiative +3
Unarmed -1, close, Damage -1
Baton -1, close, Damage 2
Staff -1, close, Damage 2
Ranged Spells -2, ranged, various
Close Spells -1, close, various
Fortitude -1
Dodge +1
Parry -1
Toughness +3
Will +10

*  Should these powers fail to affect their target (failed attack or activation rolls, successful resistance roll), add the degrees of failure on all attack/activation rolls to the degrees of success on the target's resistance roll and apply an appropriate side effect as described below.  These side effects are cumulative.  This is worth a reduction in cost of 2 points per rank.
  • One degree:  The spirits are unhappy about how they are being treated and require additional ritual practices to appease them. (complication: responsibility)
  • Two degrees:  The Witch in the Wind loses access to their magicks as the spirits refuse to aid them, until the Witch does something significant to repair the relationship. (complication: power loss)
  • Three degrees:  The Witch in the Wind suffers Damage at a rank equal to that of the original effect as the spirits vent their anger on the Witch's body, both physical and spiritual.  This Damage ignores any defenses other than the Witch's innate Stamina.
  • Four or more degrees:  The spirits riot, laying waste to the area around the Witch in the Wind. (complication: accident)

Abilities -4 + Powers 142 + Advantages 15 + Skills 12 = 165 points

Robbie Rudolfsen
PC PL 3 / NPC PL 3
STR 0 [4]  STA 0 [4]  AGLDEX –4
Ferocious Charge:  Strength-based Damage 2, limited to while charging • 1 point
Large:  Growth 4 (Permanent, Innate) • 9 points
Magical Flight:  Flight 12 (8000 mph), subtle, 7 levels have tiring • 18 points
Powerful Legs:  Speed 3 (16 MPH) • 3 points
Expertise: Magic 12 (+10), Expertise: Traditional Wisdom & History 12 (+10), Insight 8 (+9), Perception 4 (+6)
Initiative +0
Attack +0, close, Damage 4
Ferocious Charge +0, close, Damage 6
Dodge +2
Parry +2
Fortitude +4
Toughness +4
Will 0

Abilities –12 + Powers 31 + Advantages 0 + Skills 2 + Defenses 8 = Total 29 points

The Snowman
PC PL 13 (195) / NPC PL  / MR 13 / SR 39
Advanced Sensor Suite:  Senses 41 • 41 points
  • Hearing:  accurate 2; analytical 1; rapid; ultra-hearing
  • Smell:  acute 1; rapid
  • Taste:  acute 1; rapid
  • Touch:  rapid
  • Vision: danger sense; infravision; microscopic vision 4; penetrates concealment; rapid
  • Chemical analysis:  detect chemical compounds, acute, analytical 1
  • Electromagnetosensor subsuite:  ranged detect electricity, acute 1; detect magnetic fields, radius, acute 1, analytical 1, accurate 2; magnetic radar ranged detect objects, accurate, radius
  • Geiger counter:  ranged detect radiation
  • Radio:  accurate 2
Artificial Life:  Immunity 30 (Fortitude effects) 30 points 
Hyper-Adaptive Wireless Interface:  Array 20 points
  • Perception ranged cumulative Affliction 8 (controlled; resisted by fortitude, overcome by skill or Fortitude), limited to third degree only, affects objects only, limited to technology 16 points
  • Radio Communication 4 1 point
  • Comprehend Machines 2 1 point
  • Feature 1 (remote) 1 point
  • Remote Sensing 8 (visual and auditory), medium (technological sensors) 1 point
Hyper-Advanced Semirandomly Dynamic Neural Net:  Enhanced Advantage (Eidetic Memory); Feature 2 (internal compass, wireless data storage); Immunity 10 (mental powers); Quickness 4, limited to mental tasks • 17 points
Made of Snow:  Concealment 2 (infravision); Feature 1 (generate small amounts of ice/snow); Immunity 30 (cold effects, water effects, weather effects); Movement 1 (environmental adaptation: weather) • 37 points
Alternate Forms:  Array 19 points
  • Blizzard Form:  Flight 4; Insubstantial 2; burst area Weaken Electronics 1 (electromagnetic pulse), affects only objects, broad, simultaneous; Environment 1 (intense cold, extreme visibility) 25 points  
  • Snowman Form:  Strength-based Damage 13 (snowball punch); Feature 6 (charge electronics, defibrillator, jump-start, mental strength, spot-wielding, turn without turning); close Move Object 12, limited to flinging targets away, linked to Strength Damage 1 point
Equipment 3 (headquarters), Fascinate (Expertise: Storytelling), Favored Environment (arctic), Languages (English)
Close Combat: Snowball Punch 2, Expertise: Storytelling 3 (+9),  Technology 7 (+13), Vehicles 2 (+2)
Initiative +2
Snowball Punch +2, close, Damage 13
Fortitude Immune
Dodge +2
Parry 0
Toughness 0
Will 0

Abilities 4 + Powers 164 + Advantages 6 + Skills 6 = 180

Ancient Magical Cave Complex
PL 10
Northern Sápmi in Norway
Environment 11 (extreme cold, -2 ranks movement, 5 perception)
Immunity 10 (magical attacks, Teleport effects), affects others
Impervious Toughness 10
Communications, Computer, Concealed, Grounds (Awesome+), Dock, Effect (Immunity), Effect (Impervious), Effect (Environment) x3, Fire Prevention System, Habitat, Isolated, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Power System, Security System (magical), Trophy Room, Workshop
DefenseToughness 10

Size 3 + Features 22 + Toughness 2 = 27 points out of 55 points

The Ice Floe
Huge water vehicle
STR 10
Autopilot 1, Communications 2, Computer
Protective Spirits:  Immunity 5 (magical attacks) 5 points 

Boat:  Swimming 8 (500 mph), quirk: surface only 7 points 

Defense 8
Toughness 9

Size 2 + Strength 2 + Features 4 + Powers 12 + Toughness 0 + Defense 8 = 28 points

Half-Martian Template
PC PL 2 / NPC PL 6 / MR 2 / SR 6
STR -1  INT 9
Assessment, Beginner's Luck, Jack-of-all-Trades, Second Chance (Deception effects), Second Chance (Intimidation effects), Second Chance (Persuasion effects), Skill Mastery (Technology), Well-Informed
Expertise: Science 4, Expertise: Tactics 4, Technology 4
Weakness:  Disease-related effects have their degree of effect increased by 1 when affecting a half-Martian.

Abilities 16 + Powers 0 + Advantages 8 + Skills 6 + Defense 0 = 30 points

Elf Template
PC PL 3 / NPC PL 1 / MR 3 / SR 8
Giftmaker:  Comprehend 2 (objects); permanent Create 2, innate, precise, subtle; Quickness 2 • 13 points
North Pole Native:  Immunity 1 (cold environments) • 1 point
Elf:  Movement 1 (trackless); Shrinking 5, permanent, innate • 8 points
Artificer, Favored Environment (arctic), Great Endurance, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Teamwork
Expertise: Magic 2, Expertise: Toymaking 3, Sleight of Hand 1, Technology 2

Abilities 4 + Powers 22 + Advantages 6 + Skills 4 = 36 points

Flying Reindeer
PC PL 3 / NPC PL 3 / MR 2 / SR 6
STR 0 [4]  STA 0 [4]  AGLDEX –4
Ferocious Charge:  Strength-based Damage 2, limited to while charging • 1 point 
Large:  Growth 4 (Permanent, Innate) • 9 points
Magical Flight:  Flight 12 (8000 mph), subtle, 7 levels have tiring • 18 points
Powerful Legs:  Speed 3 (16 MPH) • 3 points 
Perception 4 (+4)
Initiative +0
Attack +0, close, Damage 4
Ferocious Charge +0, close, Damage 6
Dodge +2
Parry 2
Fortitude 4
Toughness 4
Will 0

Abilities –12 + Powers 31 + Advantages 0 + Skills 2 + Defenses 8 = Total 29 points

Martian Template
PC PL 4 / NPC PL 8 / MR 4 / SR 12
STR -1  INT 11
Long-Lived:  Immunity 1 (aging), innate • 2 points
Martian Native:  Movement 1 (environmental adaptation: low-gravity), innate; Senses 3 (visual: direction sense, distance sense, low-light vision), innate • 7 points
Powerful Mind:  Enhanced Will +6, impervious • 12 points
Assessment, Beginner's Luck, Eidetic Memory, Fearless, Jack-of-all-Trades, Second Chance (Deception effects), Second Chance (Intimidation effects), Second Chance (Persuasion effects), Skill Mastery (Technology), Ultimate Effort (Expertise: Science), Ultimate Effort (Expertise: Tactics), Ultimate Effort (Technology), Well-Informed
Expertise: Science 4, Expertise: Tactics 4, Technology 4
Weakness:  Disease-related effects have their degree of effect increased by 2 when affecting a Martian.

Abilities 20 + Powers 21 + Advantages 13 + Skills 6 + Defense 0 = 60 points

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